Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hey, here's an idea. Let's stop referring to that play in the Dodgers-Mets game as "The Play." We all know what "The Play" is. There can't be two plays that go down in history as "The Play." There's only one "The Play." Why don't we refer to the Dodgers-Mets play as "The Double Play?" It's just as catchy, provides a clearer depiction of that play, and more importantly, it doesn't rip off the name of a play that was so memorable, so transcendent, so fan-freakin-tastic that it's known to all as simply "The Play."

It is settled. From this moment forth, we shall refer to that play as "The Double Play." Dodger fans are permitted to refer to that play as simply "That Play." Dodger fans who are in denial and would rather pooh-pooh that play are permitted to remove the quotation marks and bring the 'T' and 'P' down, as demonstrated in the example below.

Example: A big reason why the Dodgers lost Game 1 is because of that play.