Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A lot of harsh words for Paul Depodesta today after the firing of Jim Tracy was announced.

I thought Bill Plaschke's column on the matter was bad. Then I read this one by Scott Miller, a senior writer for CBS Sportsline.com.

Both writers raise the same, tired argument that computers and theories don't win baseball games, players do. And it's true. Computers and theories don't win baseball games. Just like fresh ingredients don't make meals. Cooks do. And songs don't make music. Musicians do.

Come on, don't you get it? Makes perfect sense.

Miller delineates the philosophical difference betweeen Depodesta and Tracy like this:

"DePodesta wants to build a team full of guys who look good on the computer.

Tracy wanted to manage a team full of guys who actually look good on the field."

I wonder if writers like Miller and Plaschke have ever stopped to ask what exactly is in that computer, or what that "stuff" actually means, because I'm pretty sure Depodesta isn't using solitaire and iTunes to help him make baseball decisions.